Wonder3D: How We Distributed the 3D Assets | HackerNoon

2. Related Works

3. Problem Formulation

5. Experiments


(1) Xiaoxiao Long, The University of Hong Kong, VAST, MPI Informatik and Equal Contributions;

(2) Yuan-Chen Guo, Tsinghua University, VAST and Equal Contributions;

(3) Cheng Lin, The University of Hong Kong with Corresponding authors;

(4) Yuan Liu, The University of Hong Kong;

(5) Zhiyang Dou, The University of Hong Kong;

(6) Lingjie Liu, University of Pennsylvania;

(7) Yuexin Ma, Shanghai Tech University;

(8) Song-Hai Zhang, The University of Hong Kong;

(9) Marc Habermann, MPI Informatik;

(10) Christian Theobalt, MPI Informatik;

(11) Wenping Wang, Texas A&M University with Corresponding authors.