Windows 11 (and 10) users have been in a bit of an odd place with the lock screen after Microsoft brought widgets to it – but that’ll change soon enough, with a proper set of customization options apparently being readied.

Lock screen shortcomings are set to be addressed, by all accounts (Image Credit: Microsoft)
Windows Latest has the details on this one, having been digging around in a preview build of Windows 11.
Currently, as you may be aware, Windows 11 and Windows 10’s lock screens have an all-or-nothing situation for MSN widgets – you get the lot, or you can turn them all off, but nothing in-between.
Microsoft has said it intends to address this state of affairs, and offer the ability to pick and choose which widgets you get – and seemingly this functionality is now inbound.
This is based on references found in a recent Canary channel build of Windows 11, which indicate users will be getting the ability to add a widget to the lock screen, manage the widgets present, and customize them.
Given Microsoft’s previous promise, it should only be a matter of time before the ability to pick and choose the widgets you want is in place in Windows 11 test builds (and this is likely to come to Windows 10, as well, eventually).
Although really, this is an option that should have been in place from the start. Still, better late than never, as they say.
Windows Latest predicts that we may not see this brought into the release version of Windows 11 until early in 2025.
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