If you’re a Windows 11 user who misses the old File Explorer from Windows 10, here’s some good news.

We can file this Windows 11 workaround under ‘improbable’ (Image Credit: Microsoft)
It’s possible to access Windows 10’s File Explorer within Windows 11 using a frankly unbelievably simple trick, allowing for the old interface to be used whenever you want a break from the new UI – or indeed when you want to avail yourself of the ability to drag and drop files into folders in the address bar.
(If you recall, that functionality didn’t make the cut for Windows 11 – though to be fair, it is finally returning in testing right now).
Anyhow, how do you achieve this feat? Notebookcheck.net noticed a Redditor, The_Blank_Spot, who posted the method, which is as easy as this: open the Control Panel in Windows 11, head to System and Security, and then open Windows tools.
What happens next is that Windows tools opens in a Windows 10 File Explorer window. Now, you can then proceed to go wherever you want in that same window, and you’ll keep the Windows 10 explorer UI.
The curious case of the old Explorer
Weird, huh? Very. It’s gets even curiouser, as you can open the Windows 11 File Explorer and have both new and old versions running simultaneously on the desktop. Mind… blown…
As you’re doubtless aware, typically to get a part of the Windows 10 interface working in Windows 11, you’d probably have to resort to tinkering with all sorts of techie bits, or diving into the Registry, implementing edits that threaten to destroy your system with an errant key press here or there.
In this case, all you have to do is open a panel, and there you have it: Windows 10 File Explorer at your fingertips.
Clearly, this is some kind of an oversight by Microsoft, but a glaring one that we can’t quite believe exists, frankly.
Of course, use it and enjoy it while you can, Windows 10 File Explorer fans who are running Windows 11, because now this is public knowledge – and looks rather embarrassing for Microsoft – we’re betting this fudge will be blocked off sooner rather than later.
While it’s likely too close to the June patch now – it arrives next week – Microsoft will likely be papering over these Windows tool cracks in the following cumulative update for July.
Or maybe, as some on Reddit seem to think, it won’t be such an easy fix – which would explain why the glitch is still present, we guess, and has been hanging around for a while, according to some. So, perhaps Windows 10 File Explorer will remain accessible in Windows 11 for some time yet. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this one, that’s for sure.