This gamer has 444 gaming consoles hooked up to a single TV, awarded a Guinness World Record

If you thought you had a great gaming collection, sit down… and be prepared to be blown away by Ibrahim Al-Nasser for connecting 444 gaming consoles to a single TV, earning the gamer a Guinness World Record.

The organization behind Al-Nasser’s setup is nothing short of astonishing, with cable management at peak here, with the 444 consoles connected through 30 x RCA switchers, and at least 12 x HDMI switchers. Al-Nasser explains: “I noticed that I had a big stack of gaming consoles that I couldn’t play. The TV ports are limited, so I either had to unplug existing consoles or add more switchers and converters. I used all the tools available in the market in order to organize the cables“.

Al-Nasser added: “By adding more switchers, the idea came to my mind to connect all of the gaming consoles I have to the TV then contact Guinness World Records because this project is unique. It includes hundreds of video game consoles, all different to each other. All of the consoles require a special set up and cable management as well“.

The consoles included in the 444-strong gaming console collection he has, includes everything from the Magnavox Odyssey, which was the first-ever gaming console released back in 1972, all the way through to the latest PlayStation 5 Slim which was released in late-2023.

This gamer has 444 gaming consoles hooked up to a single TV, awarded a Guinness World Record 4444


We’re talking about every console here, with the likes of the Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, Sega Genesis, and even super-rate consoles like the Super A’Can. I do agree with Al-Nasser, when he said: “For me, the best gaming console of all time, number one always, forever, Sega Genesis“. My brother and I pumped some serious hours into our Sega Genesis (known as the Mega Drive here in Australia) and they were some of the best gaming console memories of my life (that is, until the Nintendo 64).