Semantic Layer for the People and by the People

My 3 [+1] jokers with templates for building a powerful analytical semantic layer


My 3 straightforward and one hidden Joker are:

  • Joker #1: Pattern-Driven Repository Structure 🗂️
  • Joker #2: Organized Code 👩🏻‍💻
  • Joker #3: (Non-) Embedded Documentation 📜
  • [🃏 Hidden Joker: Refinement Loop 🃏]
Simple and Consistent. — This is how I would describe to someone the 2 most important dimensions to keep in mind when building a semantic layer.” [Photo by Zuzana Ruttkay on Unsplash]

Semantic — the study of linguistic meaning

According to Wikipedia, the term semantic, which is the study of linguistic meaning, examines what meaning is.

Or per sehow words get their meaning and how the meaning of a complex expression depends on its parts [1].

Although the term semantic is straightforwardly explained, I honestly had to dwell for a while on the part “the meaning of a complex expression depends on its parts”, because I wanted to re-use it to explain the semantic layer in analytics.

After rereading it, my explanation goes as follows:

Similar to semantics in the linguistic context, the semantic layer in analytics is about making data