SiMa.ai’s machine learning system-on-chip (MLSoC) technology, could integrate with Dell’s edge computing offerings such as the PowerEdge XR series of ruggedized servers, enabling the company to deliver generative AI use cases to the edge.Read More
SiMa.ai’s machine learning system-on-chip (MLSoC) technology, could integrate with Dell’s edge computing offerings such as the PowerEdge XR series of ruggedized servers, enabling the company to deliver generative AI use cases to the edge.Read More
Google has moved up its Pixel unveiling for 2024, which will take place in August instead of October. At that event, Google will show off
Sky Mavis announced that Ragnarok Online will debut on Ronin blockchain with the release of Ragnarok: Monster World, a MMORPG. This strategic game will combine
Explaining how Gated Recurrent Neural Networks work Egor Howell · Follow Published in Towards Data Science · 10 min read · 2 hours ago —