PlayStation 5 lead system architect Mark Cerny has had some interesting comments during a recent interview with GamesIndustry, where he said he was surprised by the wide adoption of ray tracing, and the huge push for 60FPS gaming.

During his chat with GamesIndustry, Cerny discussed his career that spans being the lead system architect for both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles, the present state of the industry, and the future of gaming. When asked about what has surprised him the most with the current-generation consoles, Cerny said he was surprised with the wide adoption of ray tracing, and the push for 60FPS, which was unexpected based on previous-gen consoles.
Cerny said: “The other thing that has been surprising is the push to 60 frames per second. Based on previous console lifecycles, I would have expected there to be a lot more games that are 30 frames per second only, just because the artwork can be so much more detailed if you have longer time to render it. Instead, the almost universal rule this time around has been the games run at 60“.
“There’s a recent development here, which is console exclusives that were created to run on bespoke PlayStation systems are now making their way to PC. That conversion has been simpler than many thought. The main consequence is that the minimum spec for the PC version of the game gets a bit higher, perhaps more CPUs or more RAM, in order to replace the missing systems“.
We should expect that Mark Cerny has been busy over the last 12-18 months on the development of the uprgaded PlayStation 5 Pro console that will be released later this year… the penultimate console for Rockstar’s massive Grand Theft Auto 6 that launches in 2025.