Overwatch 2 Season 12 is now live: new support hero Juno, new Clash game mode, and more

Overwatch 2 Season 12 is now here, with the introduction of a new support hero called Juno, two new maps, and a new game mode called Clash. Check out the trailer below:

Overwatch 2’s new support hero is Juno, who is a new space cadet support character with a burst-fire primary weapon called the Mediblaster, which heals teammates and damages enemies, with a secondary Pulsar Torpedoes that lock onto allies and enemies, healing your teammates and damaging your enemies. Very cool.

The passive ability with Juno comes in the form of her Martial Overboots, which allow the space cadet to double jump and then hover in the air like she’s kind of (but not fully) flying. The passive ability gels beautifully with Glide Boost, an ability that lets Juno glide above and around the battle horizontally.

The cool air-strafing movement with Hyper Ring will allow for some hectic plays as Juno, speeding the team into action, boosting movement for faster fights, and her high mobility allows her to swiftly maneuver the battlefield to provide critical support or evade threats effectively.

Finally, Juno’s Ultimate is the Orbital Ray: which causes a spacecraft in lower Earth orbit to blast down a devastating laser, with the laser beam moving forward at your control, healing teammates and boosting their damage. But, Orbital Ray doesn’t damage the enemies, so it will be a very strategic move kind of like Mercy’s damage boosting during an ultimate flowing through all of your teammates, boosting their damage at once.

The new Clash game mode features 5 capture objectives placed in a linear path on a mirrored map, with only one objective active at a time, with the match starting with Objective C, the center one. You’ll need to capture the objective by standing on it unintended, until you’ve secured it. Teams that capture an objective receive 1 point to their team score.

Blizzard ran trials for the new Clash game mode earlier this year, with teh final capture points for each team (A and E) are “even more rewarding” with 3 points that are split up into segments on the capture process. A win will happen when the team reaches 5 total points from capturing various objectives on the map, or if they manage to push into their opponent’s territory and fully capture the final objective.

Clash will be available in both Quick Play and Competitive Play, with the new Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, as well as a temporary boost in frequency to make sure that you get chances to play.