Basics of GANs & SMOTE for Data Augmentation

GANs and SMOTE explained through bartending: Data Science for Machine Learning Series (1)

SMOTE Technique Mechanism

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Personally, it feels like data is treated as the new oil of the digital age. This feels especially true with the boom in machine learning, where data plays such an important role.

However in my experience, it also seems like many people dive straight into machine learning without first mastering the underlying mathematics. That’s why I’ve made it a point to focus on mathematical concepts in my articles. However, as many readers have pointed out, it can be even more effective to learn math alongside machine learning. Applying mathematical principles in practical machine learning scenarios not only deepens understanding of the math, but also makes the learning process more engaging and effective.

And what better way to introduce machine learning than by talking about data — lots of data! (Or the lack of it, as you’ll see.)

I’ve been a part of a research team focused on health risk-prediction modeling. While I’ll skip the detailed topics of our work, a major challenge we…