The new 572.75 hotfix driver is based on the Game Ready 572.70 driver package that NVIDIA released last week. It mentions two fixes, one of which is a lingering black screen bug.
According to the release notes, the fix is specific to the GeForce RTX 50 series. NVIDIA doesn’t go into any more detail other than to say it addresses “crashes with black screen” on its latest generation GPUs, but if you have an older card that is also crashing to a black screen, you might has well give it a whirl.
It’s not clear if this includes factory overclocked models by NVIDIA’s add-in board (AIB) partners or if the issue is mostly related to user overclocks. For reference, NVIDIA’s stock blueprint for the GeForce RTX 5090 includes a 2,017MHz base clock, 2,407MHz boost clock, and 1,750MHz memory clock. For the GeForce RTX 5080, baseline clocks check in at 2,295MHz (base), 2,617MHz (boost), and 1,875MHz (memory).
As we always like to point out, if you’re not running into the specific issues mentioned in a hotfix’s release notes, then there’s no point in installing it. They don’t offer anything beyond the stated fixes. Additionally, you won’t miss out in the long term anyway, as the same bug fixes get rolled into the next Game Ready driver release anyway.
“A GeForce driver is an incredibly complex piece of software, We have an army of software engineers constantly adding features and fixing bugs. These changes are checked into the main driver branches, which are eventually run through a massive QA process and released,” NVIDIA explains.
“Since we have so many changes being checked in, we usually try to align driver releases with significant game or product releases. This process has served us pretty well over the years but it has one significant weakness. Sometimes a change that is important to many users might end up sitting and waiting until we are able to release the driver. The GeForce Hotfix driver is our way to trying to get some of these fixes out to you more quickly,” NVIDIA adds.