Humans Hate Reading Legal Contracts So Adobe Built An AI To Do It For You

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Reading legal documents can be tedious, and understanding contracts can be tricky. However, Adobe has introduced a new feature in its Acrobat AI Assistance tool, tailored to simplify this process. It promises to help maximize your time by simplifying legalese, providing concise analysis, and offering additional insights based on your queries and goals.

According to Adobe, this tool will provide information that users can verify with a click. It should also be able to identify contract documents, highlight key sections, and suggest relevant questions for those documents. Additionally, it promises to compare up to 10 contracts simultaneously, helping detect differences and discrepancies while also offering a platform for individuals to review and sign contracts. These features are available on desktop, mobile, and the web in English, with support for additional languages coming soon.

This AI tool comes on after a recent survey conducted by Adobe in partnership with Advanis, a research firm specializing in market, social, and consumer research. The survey found that nearly 70% of individuals sign documents without fully understanding what they entail. Emphasizing the essence of this tool, Abhigyan Modi, senior vice president of Adobe Document Cloud, said that customers handle billions of contracts in Adobe Acrobat each month, and AI can make this process more efficient.

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The most notable feature of this tool may be its ability to allow users to verify the source of information it provides. This is especially important as AI tools sometimes provide fake citations or legal principles that are outdated or inaccurate. Being able to confirm the source’s reliability may greatly enhance user confidence in the tool. Although it’s part of the Acrobat AI Assistance tool, it comes at an additional monthly price of $4.99 for individual users, regardless of their current Adobe subscription package.

While some may find these features impressive because they save time and money, caution is still needed. The accuracy of AI is not yet fully reliable, and complex legal issues may fall outside its capabilities, requiring an attorney’s expertise. Taking a careful, step-by-step approach is wise, rather than relying solely on AI for legal matters.