Table of Links
2 Related Work
2.1 Neural Codec Language Models and 2.2 Non-autoregressive Models
2.3 Diffusion Models and 2.4 Zero-shot Voice Cloning
3 Hierspeech++ and 3.1 Speech Representations
3.2 Hierarchical Speech Synthesizer
4 Speech Synthesis Tasks
4.1 Voice Conversion and 4.2 Text-to-Speech
5 Experiment and Result, and Dataset
5.2 Preprocessing and 5.3 Training
5.6 Zero-shot Voice Conversion
5.7 High-diversity but High-fidelity Speech Synthesis
5.9 Zero-shot Text-to-Speech with 1s Prompt
5.11 Additional Experiments with Other Baselines
7 Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References
5.1 Dataset
We utilized LibriTTS dataset [90] to train the hierarchical speech synthesizer. First, we trained the model with trainclean subsets of LibriTTS (train-clean-100 and train-clean-360) for a fair comparison. Additionally, we utilized the trainother-500 subsets of LibriTTS for better voice style transfer. Furthermore, we scaled-up the dataset to 1 kh to improve the robustness and diversity, as indicated in TABLE 1[2] . For the Libri-light [27] and Multi-Speaker Speech Synthesis (MSSS) dataset of AIHub [3] , we sampled a small portion of speech from each speaker. We used a EXPRESSO [61] and NIKL[4]. We downsampled the audio at 16 kHz, and normalized it using a scale of [-0.95, 0.95]. For text-to-vec, we utilized all the train subsets of LibriTTS. For speechSR, we used a VCTK dataset [76] which has a sampling rate of 48 kHz to compare the models. However, we also trained the model with a largescale dataset for better speech super-resolution performance by including MSSS dataset, VCTK, and EXPRESSO.
[2] Although we hope to increase the data scale to over 10k Hours, this is the maximum limit in our academic resources.
(1) Sang-Hoon Lee, Fellow, IEEE with the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea;
(2) Ha-Yeong Choi, Fellow, IEEE with the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea;
(3) Seung-Bin Kim, Fellow, IEEE with the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea;
(4) Seong-Whan Lee, Fellow, IEEE with the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea and a Corresponding author.