How Selection Mechanisms Transform State Space Models | HackerNoon


(1) Albert Gu, Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University and with equal contribution;

(2) Tri Dao, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University and with equal contribution.

Abstract and 1 Introduction

2 State Space Models

3 Selective State Space Models and 3.1 Motivation: Selection as a Means of Compression

3.2 Improving SSMs with Selection

3.3 Efficient Implementation of Selective SSMs

3.4 A Simplified SSM Architecture

3.5 Properties of Selection Mechanisms

3.6 Additional Model Details

4 Empirical Evaluation and 4.1 Synthetic Tasks

4.2 Language Modeling

4.3 DNA Modeling

4.4 Audio Modeling and Generation

4.5 Speed and Memory Benchmarks

4.6 Model Ablations

5 Discussion

6 Conclusion and References

A Discussion: Selection Mechanism

B Related Work

C Mechanics of Selective SSMs

D Hardware-aware Algorithm For Selective SSMs

E Experimental Details and Additional Results

3.2 Improving SSMs with Selection

One method of incorporating a selection mechanism into models is by letting their parameters that affect interactions along the sequence (e.g. the recurrent dynamics of an RNN or the convolution kernel of a CNN) be input-dependent.

Figure 2: (Left) The standard version of the Copying task involves constant spacing between input and output elements and iseasily solved by time-invariant models such as linear recurrences and global convolutions. (Right Top) The Selective Copying task has random spacing in between inputs and requires time-varying models that can selectively remember or ignore inputs depending on their content. (Right Bottom) The Induction Heads task is an example of associative recall that requires retrieving an answer based on context, a key ability for LLMs.

Algorithms 1 and 2 illustrates the main selection mechanism that we use. The main difference is simply making several parameters ∆, B, C functions of the input, along with the associated changes to tensor shapes throughout. In particular, we highlight that these parameters now have a length dimension L, meaning that the model has changed from time-invariant to time-varying. (Note that shape annotations were described in Section 2). This loses the equivalence to convolutions (3) with implications for its efficiency, discussed next.

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