Go Interfaces, Explained for TypeScript Developers | HackerNoon

As someone who has worked primarily with Typescript over the last few years, learning Golang was challenging as much as it was stimulating.

Recap: What are interfaces?

Interfaces ensure consistent behavior without focusing on implementation details.

Interfaces in TypeScript are structural

TypeScript is a structurally typed type system, one way it achieves this is using interfaces.

They allow you to define the structure of objects you expect to handle within your code. Let’s take a common example of a Person object.

interface Person {
    name: string
    talk(text: string): void
    walk(to: string): string

const john: Person = {
    name: 'John Doe',
    talk: function (text: string): void {
        console.log('Speaking: ', text)
    walk: function (to: string): string {
        return `${this.name} is at ${to}`

Go’s interfaces are behavioral

Go uses duck typing, meaning a struct matches an interface as long as it has matching method signatures.

In Go, there is no explicit implements keyword, all structs implicitly implement interfaces. The compiler deduces this during build time.

// interface to be implemented by the Person struct
type PersonLike interface {
 Walk(string) string

// a `Person` struct
type Person struct {
 Name string

// Talk implements PersonBehavior.
func (p Person) Talk(text string) {
 println(p.Name + "is saying: '" + text)

// Walk implements PersonBehavior.
func (p Person) Walk(text string) string {
 return p.Name + "is at " + text

func main() {
 // declare `john` of PersonLike type
 var john PersonLike
 // assign an instance of the Person
 john = Person{}

 // invoke `.Walk` on the object

In the above example, a struct is first created and then the methods are implemented on it.

The compiler automatically detects the implementation of the interface by the Person struct. Any struct having the method signature will satisfy the interface type

The example below demonstrates how the same object instance can satisfy multiple interfaces, each containing a subset of its method signatures.

package main

// interface to be implemented by the Person struct
type PersonLike interface {
 Walk(string) string

// interface that only has `Walk`
type Walker interface {
 Walk(string) string

// interface that only has `Talk`
type Talker interface {

// a `Person` struct
type Person struct {
 Name string

func (p Person) Talk(text string) {
 println(p.Name + "is saying: '" + text)

func (p Person) Walk(text string) string {
 return p.Name + "is at " + text

func main() {
 // declare `john` of PersonLike type
 var john PersonLike
 // assign an instance of the Person
 john = Person{}

 var johnWalker Walker
 // assign to object to `Walker` type
 johnWalker = john
 // invoke `.Walk`
 // Error below: johnWalker.Talk is undefined (Walker does not have Talk method)
 johnWalker.Talk("I am home")

 var johnTalker Talker
 johnTalker = john
 johnTalker.Talk("How do I get home?")

 // invoke `.Walk` on the object
 println(john.Walk("home")) // "John is at home"
 println(john.(Person).Name) // John

Empty interfaces

Go allows you to create interfaces that have no methods declared i.e., it can hold a value of any type without any restrictions.

type Empty interface{}

The TypeScript equivalent would be the unknown type

const empty: unknown = {}

Empty interfaces come in handy when the programmer knows the type but it is unknown to the type system. A common example would be de-serializing unknown types.

func parse(val interface{}) (string, error) {
 // Gets the type of `value`
 switch value := val.(type) {
 case string:
  return string(value), nil
  return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported data %#v", value)

Common Gotcha: Interfaces on pointer types

Methods in Go can have either Pointer receivers or value receivers. Depending on what is used the compiler treats them differently while matching interfaces.

The following code won’t be compiled because of the error in line 39.

package main

// interface that only has `Talk`
type Talker interface {

// a `PersonPtr` struct that has a pointer receiver for `Talk`
type PersonPtr struct {
 Name string

// Add implements PersonBehavior.
func (p *PersonPtr) Talk(text string) {
 println(p.Name + "is saying: '" + text)

// a `Person` struct that has a value receiver for `Talk`
type Person struct {
 Name string

// Add implements PersonBehavior.
func (p Person) Talk(text string) {
 println(p.Name + "is saying: '" + text)

func main() {
 // assign an instance of the Person
 var john Talker
 johnny := PersonPtr{}
 johnny.Talk("I can talk")

 // Error: PersonPtr does not implement Talker (method Talk has pointer receiver)
 john = johnny 

 john.Talk("This wont work")

This can however be fixed by replacing the assignment that line 35 with:

john = &johnny

Why does this work?

  • Since Talk is implemented only for *PersonPtr, passing a pointer (&johnny) to Talker, ensuring it satisfies the interface.


  • Go interfaces enable implicit implementation, reducing boilerplate and improving flexibility.
  • Duck typing allows structs to satisfy interfaces automatically if method signatures match.
  • Multiple interface satisfaction lets a struct conform to different behaviors dynamically.
  • Empty interfaces (interface{}) provide a way to handle unknown types, useful for generics.
  • Pointer vs. value receivers impact interface satisfaction – choosing the right one is key.

Further Reading

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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