requirements.txt Is Obsolete

Managing Python project dependencies and metadata with Poetry

Python’s standard library is a collection of built-in modules that provide users with rich functionality, aiming to standardise the way basic operations are performed in day-to-day programming. A few examples include I/O operations, text processing, file compression and mathematical operations, among others. This extensive library allows developers to perform a wide range of tasks without needing to install additional packages.

However, as versatile as the standard library is, modern Python applications often require more advanced capabilities that go beyond what is included out of the box. This is where the vast collection of open-source projects comes into play.

These packages, managed by various teams and communities — or even individuals — , can significantly extend the functionality of your projects, eliminating the need of reinventing the wheel.

Available on the Python Package Index (PyPI), these dependencies can be easily installed by any developer. From web development frameworks like Django and Flask to Data Science libraries like Pandas and Scikit-learn, these packages have become integral to everyday Python programming.