Zac Amos


Inside the Incredible Potential of Quantum Computing in Drug Development | HackerNoon

Drug development takes years — often over a decade. If drugmakers could shorten that timeline, they could save lives. Healthcare leaders are looking to quantum computers as the driver for this change. It has incredible potential in discovery and design. Why Healthcare Needs Quantum Computing Technology Today, most drug candidates never make it to production. During clinical studies, an estimated 90% of them fail at the trial or approval stages. A lack of clinical efficacy,

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Is Biometric Voter Registration a Good Idea? | HackerNoon

Voting practices have fallen under increasing scrutiny over the past few election cycles. As the public calls for greater transparency and governments push for higher participation, digital technologies have emerged as potential solutions. Biometric voter registration holds promise as a way to address several concerns. How Does Biometric Voter Registration Work? Biometric registration uses data like fingerprints or face scans to register and later identify voters. When someone first registers to vote, they scan their

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How You’re Compromising Your Company’s Cybersecurity Without Realizing It | HackerNoon

Using strong, unique passwords or reporting strange links and invitations to download unfamiliar files are critical to maintaining cybersecurity. However, many other behaviors can unknowingly compromise your company’s and your own cybersecurity. Read on for 10 ways you may harm your employer’s digital reinforcements without realizing it. 1. Leaving Your Phone’s Bluetooth On Bluetooth allows devices to connect without wires. It’s handy for listening to your playlist in your friend’s car, but it’s easy to

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AI Could Handle Your 911 Emergency Better Than You Know | HackerNoon

Public safety answering points (PSAPs) — also known as 911 call centers — provide a critical service. While most people hope never to need one, they are essential to society. Since they are so important, it is reasonable to think they are some of the most efficient institutions in the country. However, that assumption could not be further from the truth. Many emergency communication centers are underfunded and understaffed, resulting in unanswered 911 calls and

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AI Is the Key to Surviving Supply Chain Challenges in 2025 | HackerNoon

Supply chains have faced their fair share of challenges over the past few years. While some factors — notably, the COVID-19 pandemic — may be waning, plenty of obstacles remain in the way of efficient logistics in 2025 and beyond. Artificial intelligence (AI) may be the best way to address them. Top Supply Chain Challenges of 2025 Organizations first need to understand the challenges they’ll face to know how AI can help them. With that

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How Computers Are Designed for Extreme Environments | HackerNoon

Designing electronics today can be complicated. Computers, phones, and other devices must be able to do a lot in a small package. Meeting those rising functionality demands while protecting against high heat, freezing lows, and other extreme environments is all the more challenging. As difficult as it may seem, many modern electronics function in harsh industrial or outdoor settings. Some even work in outer space or the depths of the ocean, and they can be

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The Rise of Cyber Militias | HackerNoon

The internet has long been a powerful resource, partially because it connects people. Relatedly, it allows like-minded individuals to come together and communicate about shared interests. Some parties have taken such activities to the next level, deciding to collaborate on common goals. This phenomenon has led to a rise in so-called cyber militias. Hacktivism, online armies, and online/digital activism are other synonyms for this emerging trend. What Is the Purpose of Cyber Militias? Although some

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How to Improve Your Data Literacy Skills | HackerNoon

Are you data literate? An easy way to tell is to ask yourself whether you know how to source, analyze, and share quantitative information. If you don’t, you should learn how. The good news is the process is easy, even if you’re not a numbers person. Here’s what you need to do to improve your data literacy skills. What Is Data Literacy? Data literacy is the ability to interpret and interact with information meaningfully. You

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Will Data Centers Ruin Your Neighborhood? | HackerNoon

Data centers have become an integral part of the digital age. Unfortunately, many communities realize they are loud, resource-intensive, and visually unappealing only after they’ve been built. Are these buildings neighborhood-ruiners, or are peoples’ concerns overblown? Are Data Centers Already Ruining Neighborhoods? The residents of the sleepy, tree-lined subdivision of Great Oak didn’t realize what was in store for them when construction began for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) data center. This small community in

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Inside the Secrets of Physical Penetration Testing | HackerNoon

Penetration testing — or “pen testing,” for short — is central to many organizations’ cybersecurity operations. While the practice has gained popularity, it’s often incomplete. Digital methods usually take the spotlight, but physical penetration testing may be just as important and more frequently overlooked. What Is Physical Penetration Testing? All penetration testing aims to find security vulnerabilities by simulating a hacking attempt. Physical pen testing is different from conventional approaches in that it resembles an

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