Tiru Chillapalli


Forget Faster Than Light Travel—Quantum Computing Could Deliver What You Say Even Before You Speak | HackerNoon

Just before 2024 ended, engineers from Northwestern University showed the world that quantum teleportation may not require specialized infrastructure as we’ve always thought. Instead, we could use the same fiber optic cables that we utilize in classical communication. Fibre optic cables or optical fibers transmit light particles, signals, or pulses. They contain glass fibers wrapped in another glass layer called cladding, a buffer tube, and a jacket, the final layer. After quantum teleportation became more

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The AI Arms Race in Cybersecurity: Trust Nothing, Verify Everything | HackerNoon

The battle between cybercriminals and cybersecurity professionals is increasing daily. A cybersecurity report states that cybercrime could cost as much as $10.5 trillion yearly by 2025. Artificial intelligence has become the weapon in this arms race. As a Senior Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) at Microsoft with over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity, I have seen the evolution of cyber attacks. I have also witnessed the importance of AI in security coupled with a Master’s

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These Four DevOps Practices Aren’t Being Talked About Enough | HackerNoon

You know that moment when you confidently hit “deploy” at 4:59 p.m. on a Friday, and two seconds later, your phone explodes with alerts that production is on fire? LIKE LITERALLY ON FIRE! Or when a fellow senior dev quietly fixes prod but never mentions how—probably because they’re afraid that if AI learns their secrets, it’ll automate their entire job? (I’m only half-joking, of course.) Welcome to the chaotic, caffeine-fueled roller coaster we call DevOps.

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