Windows 11 and Windows 10 users are again under fire from a Microsoft pop-up which is rather intrusive, flashing up on the desktop to advertise Bing AI for those using Google’s Chrome browser.

This frustrating pop-up is affecting Windows 10 as well as Microsoft’s newest OS (Image Credit: Microsoft)
Windows Latest notes it initially spotted the pop-up, which urges Chrome users to use ChatGPT-4 powered Bing – and to set Bing as their default search, and install its extension – back in March, but it’s now appearing again.
Multiple readers have been getting in touch lately complaining that they’ve been hit by this dialog box, which stays present until you dismiss it – you have to answer either yes or no to the suggested Bing-related modifications to Chrome.
Worse still, if you go ahead with all this by accident, then revert when Chrome warns you about changes made by that Bing extension, Microsoft again pops up a plea to not ditch Bing. Desperate stuff, frankly…
This is facilitated by a server-side update, but Microsoft told Windows Latest that it’s just a one-time nag panel – sorry, notification.
Microsoft stated:
“This is a one-time notification giving people the choice to set Bing as their default search engine on Chrome. For those who choose to set Bing as their default search engine on Chrome, when signed in with their MSA they also get more chat turns in Copilot and chat history.”
The trouble is, we’ve seen this pop-up twice: The first time, back in March, like Windows Latest, and then it hit us again earlier this week.
So, make of that what you will, but we’ve definitely had it piped through a second time, which shouldn’t have happened, not according to Microsoft’s statement.
We wonder if other folks have encountered this double helping of Bing ads, too – let us know in the comments if you have.