5 New Ways to Maximize Your Hardware Security Resilience | Ansys


Connected vehicles offer a range of benefits, such as real-time data sharing, app-to-car connectivity, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), and critical safety features like location tracking, remote parking, and in-vehicle infotainment systems (IVIs). These advancements aim to enhance the overall driving and riding experience. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that equipping vehicles with smart features also exposes them to potential cyberattacks. These attacks can result in customer data leakage or even compromise critical safety functionalities.

It’s expected to discover vulnerabilities after the product is released, which could have been easily prevented. For instance, as reported by Bloomberg, a recent increase in car thefts was attributed to the absence of anti-theft computer chips in vehicle critical systems. Therefore, it is imperative to proactively consider and address potential attack vectors right from the initial stages of development.

This cybersecurity vulnerability applies to many other industrial applications, such as industrial IoT, SmartCity, and digital healthcare, where every device or system is connected, and every connection is a vulnerability.

Design for security is becoming mainstream and should be part of today’s standard design methodologies.

What you will learn

  • Why a model-based and system-oriented solution is needed for automotive cybersecurity
  • How to quickly identify threat scenarios
  • Why a pre-silicon security verification flow is essential for secure ICs
  • Using AI to mitigate side-channel vulnerabilities

Who should attend this presentation

This webinar is valuable to anyone who works with product design, connectivity and security.


Chief Technologist Christophe Bianchi